
Giving at Gloria Dei

We encourage all of those who are part of our Church family to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.

Securely Give Online

Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.

Why We Give

We give in response to all God has done for us, furthermore when you give, you make an impact. These provisions primarily come through the generous and faithful gifts of the people who believe in the mission and ministry of Gloria Dei.                       

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21


Nassau Bay Fund (General)

All undesignated gifts go towards Gloria Dei's General Fund here in Nassau Bay, which covers all related operating expenses so that the church can fulfill its mission of "Helping more people live life with Jesus every day."

Endowment Fund

Gloria Dei's Endowment Fund is building a legacy to help finance our long-term mission and ministry efforts and help ensure that we can continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to future generations.

Lutheran Education Fund

The Gloria Dei Lutheran Education Fund (LEF) has been established to provide tuition assistance for students enrolled in Lutheran schools, from Kindergarten through college age. LEF Assistance Applications for 2024-2025 can be found here or at the Church Office. Please submit applications to Crystal Oliver by July 1.

Benevolence Fund

The Benevolence Fund is Gloria Dei's helping hands to those who are struggling financially in and around our community.  If you are a member in need of assistance, please contact Elizabeth Fuller.

Day One Christian Academy Fund

The Day One Christian Academy is Gloria Dei's accredited preschool that is committed to serving the educational and developmental needs of children to build a solid foundation of faith for every child.

Giving FAQ

Can I give a one-time gift?

Yes. One-time gifts can be made here. If you would like to better manage your gifts, create an account and select “Register”. Once your account has been successfully created, click "Give Now" for a one time donation. 

Create an Account

Can I set up recurring giving?

Yes. To set up recurring gifts, an account would need to be created. Once your account has been successfully created, click "Give” then “Manage Giving Profiles" to set up automatic recurring donations. 

Create an Account

Do I have to set up an account?

No. You don't have to set up an account to be able to give. Simply click on the "Give Now" button, and you can give a one-time gift as a guest.

Can I earmark my gift for a specific designation or fund?

Yes. Gifts can be designated for special purposes such as outreach, building projects, disaster relief or other identified or emerging needs by leaving a comment on your online donation or writing it on the memo line of your check. All donations will go into the Nassau Bay Fund (General) if no specific fund or purpose is selected.

Can I give to more than one ministry fund within the same donation?

Yes. Simply enter the amount you would like to give to a specific ministry fund, then click "Select Fund" again and you will be able to select another ministry fund of your choice from the drop-down list and enter the amount you would like to give.

Can I track my giving?

Yes. Giving can be tracked when an account has been created. Once you log into your account, click "Give" in the header, then “Giving History” to the left hand side of the page to review your contributions.

Are there fees involved if I give online?

Yes. Having the convenience of electronic fund transfers will always have a cost for the service but we want to make sure that your giving is as convenient to you as possible. Giving online through pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account or recurring or one-time gifts by debit/credit cards incur about a 4% fee that is paid by the church. You do have the option to cover those fees so the church can receive your full original donation.

Can I write a check or give cash? If so, where do I send it?

Yes. You can write a check or give a cash donation at any time. Donations can be dropped off at the church office during office hours or during worship on Sunday mornings.  All checks are payable to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and can be mailed to 18220 Upper Bay Rd, Houston, TX 77058. 


The Gloria Dei Endowment Fund was organized in 1989 to provide for our Lord’s mission and ministries over and above the budget of Gloria Dei’s Nassau Bay  Fund (General), including student events and mission trips, international missions, and other activities as approved by the Endowment Fund Committee and Senior Pastor.

What sets the Endowment Fund apart from other funds of Gloria Dei is that contributions by donors to the Endowment Fund are invested and are never spent. However, the income from these invested contributions will continue forever to be used for various ministries of the church.

Through the Endowment Fund, we are able to provide a permanent source of income to support the church’s Christian outreach. The Endowment Fund Committee will establish the funding priorities for the endowment earnings and direct them to the specific programs that reflect the needs and interests of the congregation.

Some of the ministries the Fund has supported to date include Lutheran Education Assistance, Bibles for Russia, CALMS - Guatemalan Children and Panama child support, Faithful Servant program, Compassion International child support, Kidz Jr. entrance, Freed Up Financial Seminar, Day One Christian Academy playground, Student mission trips, and Student Impact Week.

The Endowment Fund has grown slowly, but now has over a 1/2 million dollars in assets.  With your help, the Endowment Fund will grow larger so more ministries can be supported.  If you are interested in using a portion of your assets as a legacy to the future ministries of Gloria Dei, a member of the Endowment Fund Committee would be glad to discuss this with you. For further information, email Crystal Oliver or any Endowment Fund Committee member below.

How to Give

We encourage members and supporters to make legacy gifts to the Endowment Fund which will provide stable and growing resources to further its mission and ministries. Create a legacy with your gift to the Endowment Fund.

Some examples of creative ways to leave your legacy include cash, memorials and tributes, bequests, life insurance, securities, retirement plan beneficiary designations, remainder interests in property, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts.

Committee Members

Eric Dagley (Chair; Investment Subcommittee) Becky Rosenhagen (Awareness Committee Chair) Hugh Ferguson
Gary Bell (Vice Chair; Investment Subcommittee Chair) Harv Hartman (Awareness Committee) Pastor Dan Schepmann (Staff)
Virginia Ritter (Secretary) J.P. Morris (Investment Subcommittee) Crystal Oliver (Staff)
Cindy Bowman (Financial Coordinator) Ashley Rachner (Awareness Committee)

Ways to Give

There are many easy ways for you to give, including one-time gifts, online recurring giving, stock and mutual fund transfers and, of course, during our weekend worship services.

Other Ways to Support

Thrivent Choice Dollars

If you are a member of Thrivent and are eligible for the Thrivent Choice giving program, we hope you'll remember Gloria Dei when designating your Thrivent Choice Dollars. The Thrivent Choice Dollars we receive from Thrivent Financial provide additional ministry and service opportunities over and above the Gloria Dei Nassau Bay Fund (General) annual plan.

Kroger Community Rewards

Visit Kroger’s website to link your Kroger Plus Card. Gloria Dei's Non-Profit Organization number is PA582. Any time you shop at Kroger using your Plus Card, rewards will accumulate toward Gloria Dei. Thank you for participating in our Kroger Community Rewards program!

Generosity Ladder

At Gloria Dei, we encourage our church family to "take a step" on the generosity ladder, regardless of where you might be, realizing that each step requires trust, courage and faith. 

Step 1: First Time

If you've never given for the cause of Christ, take a step and give something for the First Time.

Step 2: Regular Basis

Maybe you've given in the past, but realize that you haven't made it a habit. Take a step and give on a regular basis.

Step 3: Grow Toward a Tithe (10%) of my Income

You've thought it've put God first in your's not where you want it to be yet, but you are thinking about this intentionally, and you are growing toward a tithe.

Step 4: Tithe

You give 10% of your finances sacrificially as a first response for the cause of Christ.

Step 5: Extravagant Generosity

You not only give sacrificially for Gloria Dei's mission and ministry but you also give above 10% of your income. You are sold out for the cause of Christ, and you see your financial resources as opportunities for Kingdom Building by giving courageously.